India’s R&D expenditure & scientific publications on the rise

News: R&D Statistics and Indicators 2019-20 was released. It is based on national S&T survey 2018 conducted by National Science and Technology Management Information (NSTMIS), Department of Science and Technology (DST)


  • India’s per capita R&D expenditure has increased to PPP $ 47.2 in 2017-18 from PPP $ 29.2 in 2007-08.
  • India’s gross expenditure in R&D has tripled between 2008 & 2018.
  • India spent 0.7% of its GDP on R&D in 2017-18, while the same among other developing BRICS countries was Brazil 1.3%, Russian Federation 1.1%, China 2.1% and South Africa 0.8%.
  • Women participation in extramural R&D projects increased to 24% in 2016-17 from 13% in 2000-01
  • Number of researchers per million population in India has increased to 255 in 2017 from 218 in 2015
  • India is placed 3rd among countries in scientific publication
  • India is ranked at 9th position in terms of Resident Patent Filing activity in the world.