1.Ambedkar Social Innovation & Incubation Mission
News: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment launched the Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation Mission under Venture Capital Fund for SCs
- To promote entrepreneurship among the SC Youth with special preference to Divyangs.
- To support (1,000) innovative ideas till 2024 through a synergetic work with the Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) set up by the Department of Science and Technology.
- Under the mission, 1,000 SC youth would be identified in the next 4 years with start-up ideas through the Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) in various higher educational institutions.
- They will be funded Rs. 30 lakhs in 3 years as equity funding so that they can translate their start-up ideas into commercial ventures.
- Successful ventures would further qualify for venture funding of up to Rs. 5 Crore from the Venture Capital Fund for SCs
Additional Information:
Venture Capital Fund for SCs
- It was launched in 2014-2015
- Aim: To develop entrepreneurship amongst the SC and Divyang youth and to enable them to become job-givers.
- Objective: to provide concessional finance to the entities of the SC entrepreneurs.
2.Flight Testing of DRDO’s Laser Guided ATGM
News: The indigenously developed Laser Guided Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) was successfully test fired
- The ATGM employs a tandem HEAT warhead to defeat Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) protected armoured vehicles in ranges from 1.5 to 5 km.
- It has been developed with multiple-platform launch capability and is currently undergoing technical evaluation trials from 120 mm rifled gun of MBT Arjun.
- The Laser Guided Missile has been developed by Armament R&D Establishment (ARDE), Pune in association with High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), Pune and Instruments Research & Development Establishment (IRDE), Dehradun.
3.Online Release of Picture Postcard on Sawantwadi Toy by India Post
News: Indian Post has released Picture Postcard on Sawantwadi Toy.
- These are handmade toys made of wood in Sawantwadi a town in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra.
- They are made from the wood of the Indian Coral tree.
- It has been accorded GI Tag.
4.Bio E, ICMR develop antisera for Covid treatment, prevention
News: Hyderabad-based vaccine maker Biological E, in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has developed “highly purified antisera”.
- Antisera are blood sera that contain antibodies against a specific viral toxin or antigen.
- They are injected to help in the treatment or prevention of the diseases associated with that virus. They can be used in prevention and treatment of Covid-19.
5.Armenia vs Azerbaijan: old regional conflict, interested neighbours
News: Military action in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, has resulted in the death of at least 100 civilians and Armenian combatants
Nagorno-karabakh (Artsakh):
- It is a landlocked region in the South Caucasus within the mountainous range of Karabakh.
- is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan, but most of the region is controlled by Armenian separatists. Nagorno-Karabakh has been part of Azerbaijan territory since the Soviet era.