India among top 10 countries gaining forest area in the world: FAO

News: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released the latest Global Forest Resources Assessment(FRA).


  • The FAO has brought out this comprehensive assessment every five years since 1990. 
  • Aim: To assess the state of forests, their conditions and management for all member countries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Highest Forest Area: The 10 countries that have recorded maximum average annual net gains in forest area during 2010-2020 are China, Australia, India, Chile, Vietnam, Turkey, the United States, France, Italy and Romania.
  • Net Gain in Forest Area: The Asian continent reported the highest net gain in forest area in 2010-2020.It recorded 1.17 million hectares (ha) per year net increase in forests in the last decade.
  • India: India reported 0.38% annual gain in forest or 266,000 ha of forest increase every year at an average during 2010-20.
    • The forest area managed by local, tribal and indigenous communities in India increased from zero in 1990 to about 25 million ha in 2015.
  • Forest Employment: India reported the maximum employment in the forestry sector in the world.

Additional Facts:

  • FAO:It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. It is headquartered in Rome, Italy.
  • Aim: To achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.
  • Reports: Global Food Price Index, State of the World’s Forests report among others.