India’s birds suffering dramatic population declines, warns scientific report

News: State of India’s Birds 2020 (SoIB) report has been released.


About State of India’s Birds 2020 

  • It is an assessment of the long-term trend, current trend, distribution range size, and the overall conservation status of 867 Indian bird species. It places Indian species into Low, Moderate and High categories of Conservation Concern for India.
  • It has been produced included ATREE, BNHS, Foundation for Ecological Security, NCF, National Biodiversity Authority of India, National Centre for Biological Sciences, SACON, Wetlands International, WII and WWF.

Key Takeaways:

  • 126 species have stable or increasing trends over the last 25+ years. Species like House Sparrow and Indian Peafowl have a stable population
  • Raptors, migratory shorebirds, and endemics to the Western Ghats have declined considerably
  • Common species like Small Minivet, Common Greenshank and Oriental Skylark have declined. Birds that eat invertebrates have declined as a group.