Lok Sabha Speaker attends 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

News: Lok Sabha Speaker has attended the inaugural ceremony of the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament(5WCSP).


  • About the Conference: The Conference is being organized jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU) and the Parliament of Austria with the support of the United Nations(UN).
  • Aim: To strengthen multilateralism and international cooperation in order to rebuild a better world.
  • Theme: “Parliamentary leadership for more effective multilateralism that delivers peace and sustainable development for the people and planet”.

Additional Facts:

  • Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU): It was established in 1889 as a global organization of national parliaments.
    • Aim: To promote parliamentary dialogue world-wide and works for peace and cooperation among the people.
    • Significance: IPU has permanent observer status at the United Nations General Assembly.
    • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.