National Service Scheme (NSS)

News:President of India has presented the National Service Scheme(NSS) Awards for 2017-18 to universities, NSS units and NSS volunteers.


About NSS:

  • National Service scheme is a Central sector scheme implemented by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India.
  • The scheme was launched in 1969. 
  • The scheme aims to develop the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service.
  • NSS volunteers play an important role in spreading awareness about government initiatives such as Swachh Bharat Mission activities and yoga program.

Objectives of the scheme:

  • Understand the community in which they work.
  • Understand themselves in relation to their community.
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
  • Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities.
  • Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
  • Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Practice national integration and social harmony.