India provides platform, Maldives inches closer to re-enter Commonwealth

News:Recently,India has provided a platform for engagement between the Maldives and the Commonwealth Secretariat that could enable Maldives re-entry into the Commonwealth of Nations.


About Commonwealth of Nations:

  • Commonwealth of Nations formerly known as British Commonwealth is an international intergovernmental organization of countries that were mostly former territories of the British Empire and dependencies.
  • It was established by the London Declaration in 1949.Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Commonwealth.
  • The current membership includes 53 Countries.The membership is based on free and equal voluntary cooperation.
  • Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings(CHOGM) are held every two years to discuss issues of common interest.

Commonwealth Secretariat:

  • The Commonwealth Secretariat was established in 1965.It is the main intergovernmental agency of the Commonwealth, facilitating consultation and co-operation among member governments and countries. 

About Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal(CSAT): 

  • The Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal was established and operates under a Statute agreed by Commonwealth governments in 1995.
  • It plays the role of an arbiter in case of disputes among its 53 member-countries.